Vincenzo Orioles has served as Full Professor of Linguistics since 1987 at the Universities of Messina and Udine (actually retired, 1.1.2016).
Academic Positions
At the University of Udine he has been engaged in several academic roles: chair of the Department of Linguistics and Classical Philology (1995-1999), director in the International
Centre for the Study of Plurilingualism (1998-2004), dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures (2004-2007), president in European Studies Degree courses (2006-2008).
Institutional Activity
From 2000 to 2001 he was a member of the advisory committee constituted by the Minister for Regional Affairs to bring into force law no. 482/1999 (“Rules for the protection of linguistic minorities”)
by elaborating the concerning accomplishment Regulations.
Scientific Societies Membership
He is a member of the Società Italiana di Glottologia of which he was the General Secretary (1987-1990) and the President (1999-2000).
Research Fields
Among his research interests, he deals with language contact and bilingualism, status of the languages and policies of linguistic diversity, history of linguistics, ancient pre-Roman languages.
As a principal investigator, he coordinated a Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN) on the subject of “Metalanguage of Linguistics. Models and Applications”, 2011-2013).
He has also developed a research focus about Italian Language in the world as a local coordinator of a research unit involved in a FIRB (Fund for Investment in Basic Research) Program:
Shift, retention and retrieval
of the linguistic and cultural space in the 2th and 3th generations of Italian immigrants in the world: language, languages, identity. The Italian language and culture as value and heritage
for new professional skills in the emigrants communities,
He wrote several essays on a wide range of topics. In particular, he has published the following volumes:
Le minoranze linguistiche. Profili sociolinguistici e quadro dei documenti di tutela, Roma, Il Calamo, 2003 (An assessment of minority language legislation from a linguist's perspective)
Percorsi di parole, 2nd ed., Roma, Il Calamo (“Lingue, culture e testi” 5), 2006.
(A collection of lexical essays)
I russismi nella lingua italiana. Con particolare riguardo ai sovietismi Roma, Il Calamo (“Lingue, culture e testi” 12), 2006.
(A survey of words of Russian origin in the Italian language)
U. Weinreich, Lingue in contatto. Nuova edizione. a cura di V. Orioles, Torino, Utet Università, 2008.
(A revised Italian edition of Languages in Contact)
Parole del nostro tempo, Roma, Il Calamo (“Lingue, culture e testi” 27), 2023.
(A review of contemporary neologisms that raise interlinguistic and typological issues)
Una Scuola di linguistica. Fra tradizione innovazione, a cura di V. Orioles, Roma, Il Calamo (“Lingue, culture e testi” 28), 2023.
(A collection of essays due to scholars in the school of linguistics at the University of Udine)
He has promoted many publishing initiatives by editing proceedings of conferences and collections of essays.
Past chief editor of the Journal Incontri Linguistici (Pisa and Roma, Fabrizio Serra), he is currently member of the Board of other scientific periodicals (for instance Rivista italiana di Linguistica e Dialettologia, Expressio).
He is also editor or co-editor of book series such as "Lingue, culture e testi" and "Lingue, linguaggi, metalinguaggio" (Roma, Il Calamo), “Valori identitari e imprenditorialità” (Udine, Forum), “Lezioni di linguistica e comunicazione”
(Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso), "Il Mediterraneo Plurilingue" (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso), He was also guest editor of three special issues of the Journal Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata: Le eteroglossie interne.
Aspetti e problemi (2005, with F. Toso). Il metalinguaggio. Temi e costrutti (2010), Il modello di Žarko Muljačić (2015).